Brian LeBlanc
The Cherry Blossoms were in bloom to beautifully welcomed us as we took to Capital Hill to Advocates for Alzheimer’s. As an Individual Living with Alzheimer’s, Advocating for Alzheimer’s is my mission. Advocating in the beauty, splendor and history of Wash DC was such a beautiful and magical moment. Pensacola, Florida.
Cynthia Huling Hummel
I took this photo the summer of 2017. I participate in a special arts program for people living with Alzheimer's or a related dementia and I created 30 masks that describe what it feels like (for me) to live with AD. The mask in the photo is titled: "Forget-Me-Not." I photographed all of my masks, wrote descriptions and published a book titled: "UnMasking Alzheimer's: The Memories Behind the Masks" (Lulu Press)." It gives me joy to create art and this project is near and dear to my heart because my masks help people with and without dementia to talk about the challenges and changes that come with a dementia diagnosis. Elmira, New York.
Greg O'Brien
Lining up for church, Camden Harbor, Maine. Graceful crafts in Camden Harbor look to a higher authority. There is no cure for Alzheimer's; perhaps someday, but not today. Those of us on this passage have two choices: lay down or set a course in faith and hope. I would be adrift on this voyage without faith, which serves to sustain me while I embrace Heaven on the horizon.
Ellie Garrison
We can still hold hands even though in the last stages of dementia my husband requires total care. Bethany Beach, Delaware.
Michael R Belleville
Chattam, Massachusetts. I took this when spending the weekend with my dear frsiend and brother in arms on this dementia journey, Greg O'Brien. Greg always inspires and motivates me to keep on fighting. When I took this photo I saw it in black and white in my head. The light & dark reminded me of what it's like to live with this disease everyday. No matter how dark it can gets, there will always be light. It reminded me of a line from one of my favorite movies Shawshank Redemption. "Get busy living or get busy dying" I've chosen to get busy living. That's what I call it.
Lyn Gillum
I took this photo of the very old Wisteria Tree at the Pukekura Park, New Plymouth in New Zealand. It reminds me of my life from when I was looking after my brother and sister, to getting married at 16 years and onwards. It's about the twists and turns along the pathway that has had all it's ups and downs, sadness and happiness, through tough times and all the happy times along my journey. This tree is still living and I am still living.
Brian LeBlanc
This photo was taken at Pensacola Beach as the full moon reflected its light onto the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. There a few places I can go where I feel almost Alzheimer’s free. One of those places is the beach.
Sitting on the warm sand in the evening, cool breeze blowing the salty air, the only sounds are the birds getting their evening meal and the waves rhythmically crashing on shore. The whole experience is beyond euphoric.
My head becomes clear, my thoughts pristine and, if for a few moments, I feel FREE!
Darren Paine
This photo was taken at Hatfield house which was where Queen Elizabeth 1 resided over 600 years ago. This image brings me joy. With so much destruction going on in our world, it shows the lovely aspect of nature against a very old building that has stood for centuries.