2017 Bob and Diane Fund Grantee
Christopher Nunn
“The work is more poetry than prose. It takes a very patient, talented, and observant photographer to be able to capture the measure of time."
—CHIP SOMODEVILLA, Senior Photographer, Getty Images NEWS
On November 11, 2017, a panel of judges convened to select the second-annual winner of the Bob & Diane Fund grant. The Fund received 67 entries from 22 countries, all relating to Alzheimer's and dementia. Gathering in the offices of National Geographic Magazine in Washington D.C., the panel of three judges deliberated for nearly four hours. The panel selected 'Falling into the Day,' a photographic project by British photographer Christopher Nunn. Nunn's project documents his neighbor, an artist, in the beginning stages of Alzheimer's. Michael Wichita, Director of Photography at AARP, calls Nunn's work "lovely and poetic."
"Christopher's work puts me in the shoes of a person who has Alzheimer's," says Sarah Leen, Director of Photography at National Geographic. "I can feel the isolation and loneliness with the progression of the disease. This work is very tenderly done."
Upon being notified of the grant, Nunn expressed excitement about how the Fund will enable him to bring his work to a wider audience. "It's a great honour to be the recipient of the Bob and Diane Fund grant," he says. "Alzheimer's is a very important subject for me and the grant will help me to finally complete this work by publishing it as a book."
Falling into the Day
Christopher Nunn

Christopher Nunn (b 1983, Yorkshire) is a British photographer working on personal projects and commissions throughout the UK and Europe. He graduated from Bradford College with a degree in photography in 2004. He is currently working on long term documentary projects in Ukraine, where he has worked over multiple trips since 2013. In 2015 he was nominated for the prestigious Prix Pictet award, and in 2016 was selected as one of PDN’s 30 New and Emerging Photographers. Recent clients include The Financial Times Weekend Magazine, The Telegraph Magazine, i-D, De Correspondent, The Asahi Shimbun Globe, The Wire, Le Monde, Morgenbladet, The New Yorker, and Weapons of Reason.